Time of flight tube allows molecular ion of different mass to be separated using different flight time in MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry

Mass spectrometry techniques rely on a mass analyzer to separate ions of different molecular weight in order to afford differential or specific detection of particular molecular ion of certain mass/charge ratio. One common mass analyzer is the quadrupole mass analyzer common in liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) applications. In the gentle ionization technique known as … More Time of flight tube allows molecular ion of different mass to be separated using different flight time in MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry

Having original and organic solutions for your Ph.D. thesis is a plus

The first task for a Ph.D. student in research is to understand the research problem, and perform a literature review to find gaps in the literature that can be areas for improvement or research. Naturally, we stand on the shoulders of giants in science, and all scientists need to learn from others in the scientific … More Having original and organic solutions for your Ph.D. thesis is a plus

Having a masters research degree enhances the learning experience of a Ph.D. programme

Currently, there are two routes toward a Ph.D. degree. One is the direct Ph.D. route which does not require the candidate to have a master’s research degree. Another more traditional route requires the Ph.D. applicant to complete a master’s research degree first. From my experience, the direct Ph.D. route is more for highly capable students … More Having a masters research degree enhances the learning experience of a Ph.D. programme

Take into account career development goals when selecting a research project

A research project lasts many years and has huge implications for your first job and subsequent career development. Hence, it is important to take into account your interest and what excites you every day, and your career development goals when selecting a doctoral project. Specifically, it is important to know your future career when you … More Take into account career development goals when selecting a research project

A graduate research lab is a platform for graduate education and training

Modern universities have two key functions: research and teaching. Teaching here refers to undergraduate and graduate coursework education. On the other hand, research refers to using the research experience or project to inculcate scientific values and the methodology of doing research and problem-solving. Naturally, research activities at a university are performed or conducted in a … More A graduate research lab is a platform for graduate education and training

Preprints help solicit feedback for your research work prior to formal publication

Research that has been done needs to be written up and published as a journal article in order to communicate the research findings. Hence, journal publication is a form of research communication. However, traditional journal publication is a lengthy process and often takes months to publish a single article. Over the past ten years, there … More Preprints help solicit feedback for your research work prior to formal publication

Fixation on novelty score in research blindside other research opportunities

Many common people thinks that research is about finding out or discovering new things. That means, only new findings or descriptions of new things can be published. But, that is not the true spirit of research. From my own personal experience working on research projects for twenty years, research is about investigating something or solve … More Fixation on novelty score in research blindside other research opportunities

Glyoxylate cycle is not essential for supporting aerobic growth in bacterial species

Aerobic growth brings with it the metabolic byproducts of oxygen mediated reactions. Chief culprit is reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can induce an oxidative stress response. Research has suggested that glyoxylate cycle in many bacteria could help ameliorate oxidative stress in cells, and help provide a conducive environment for aerobic respiration. This suggests that glyoxylate … More Glyoxylate cycle is not essential for supporting aerobic growth in bacterial species

Research deliverables in research grant constrains the scientific investigation of the research problem

In the modern era, scientific research is funded by research grant provided by either government or private philanthropy. Naturally, there are built-in mechanisms to ensure that the research grant money (which can number in the millions of dollars over 5 years) is spent wisely to buy equipment and pay for manpower to perform research to … More Research deliverables in research grant constrains the scientific investigation of the research problem