Crude oil from each oil field is unique in composition and characteristics

Formation of crude oil arise from the decomposition of plants and animals millions of years ago under high temperature and pressure conditions deep in the Earth. Although commonly thought to be similar in characteristics for crude oil extracted from different oil fields around the world, crude oil is, in fact, different for individual oil field. … More Crude oil from each oil field is unique in composition and characteristics

Increasing amount of supercomputer time is devoted to data analysis

Supercomputers are typically used for data intensive and computationally expensive complex simulations in the geosciences, structural biology, meteorology and cosmology. But, increasingly, supercomputers are used for data analysis of large datasets in myriad fields such as astronomy, genomics, and proteomics. More importantly, the advent of machine learning and the desire to find otherwise hidden patterns … More Increasing amount of supercomputer time is devoted to data analysis

Detection of subsurface water lake near polar region of Mars

Using radar imaging, a large body of liquid water was discovered under 1.5 km of soil near the South polar region of Mars. This represents the first large body of liquid water discovered on Mars, and raises possibility of the existence of extant microbial life on Mars. Estimated at – 68 degree Celsius, the concentrated … More Detection of subsurface water lake near polar region of Mars

Volcanoes underneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet

Scientists recently reported the discovery of 91 volcanoes underneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (Guardian, Link). Specifically, possible eruptions of the volcanoes could melt significant fraction of the ice sheet known to account for a few metres of sea level rise around the world if completely melted.   Category: geosciences, Tags: West Antarctic Ice Sheet, … More Volcanoes underneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet