Optimal proportion of renewable energy in energy mix for maximising energy resilience and reducing carbon emissions

Increasing use of renewable energy such as solar and wind power could help us reduce carbon emissions and is an approach for helping cities, states and countries to decarbonise their economies. However, renewable energy’s intermittency nature such as those associated with solar and wind energy meant that its increasing use carries significant risks for energy … More Optimal proportion of renewable energy in energy mix for maximising energy resilience and reducing carbon emissions

Availability of space constraints the deployment of solar power in high density cities

Amongst renewable energy sources, solar power suffers from linear scaling between surface area and power output. Specifically, the increase in power output of solar power is directly proportional to the surface area used. Hence, to generate a large amount of power for catering to the energy needs of a large city, large amount of surface … More Availability of space constraints the deployment of solar power in high density cities