Daily life of a Ph.D. student

Ph.D. studies may seem glamorous, but it is a job that requires dedication and perseverance. This comes about because not all experiments work the first time, and there are multiple iterations to the experiment and simulation cycles. Repeats are common in Ph.D. studies and it happens on a day to day basis. Daily, Ph.D. students … More Daily life of a Ph.D. student

Digital twin technologies help shorten research and development cycles of products

3D-printing technologies have often been cited to help shorten the development cycle of many products. But, less well known is the positive role that digital twin technologies play in enabling a faster research and development cycle of products. Digital twin technologies refer to the simulation model that simulate and predicts the performance characteristics of a … More Digital twin technologies help shorten research and development cycles of products

Digital twin technologies help shorten research and development cycles of products

3D-printing technologies have often been cited to help shorten the development cycle of many products. But, less well known is the positive role that digital twin technologies play in enabling a faster research and development cycle of products. Digital twin technologies refer to the simulation model that simulate and predicts the performance characteristics of a … More Digital twin technologies help shorten research and development cycles of products

Theoretical groundwork paves the way for the design and construction of large particle colliders

Simulation, theory and experiments are the three pillars of modern science and each is important in its own in guiding scientific research forward in illuminating hitherto unknowns, or designing a path towards it. For example, large particle colliders utilized significant monetary resources and intellectual capacity over many years for its conceptualization, design, building, commissioning and … More Theoretical groundwork paves the way for the design and construction of large particle colliders

Discovery science generates new hypothesis

Two main approaches are typically used in conducting scientific research: hypothesis driven research and discovery science methods. In hypothesis driven research, an idea is formulated into a testable hypothesis that forms the basis of a research project. Such research projects are typically more limited in scope and smaller in size, particularly with respect to the … More Discovery science generates new hypothesis

Computer simulations have enabled more accurate weather prediction

Computer modelling and simulation together with the use of weather data from different sources have contributed significantly to improvement in weather forecast. For example, modern 5 day weather forecast are as accurate as 1 day forecast in the 1980s. This meant that modern weather forecasts could predict weather events at longer time points into the … More Computer simulations have enabled more accurate weather prediction

Importance of theory and simulation in laying the case for building large colliders for multinational particle physics experiments

Higgs boson was discovered at the Large Hadron Collider located at the border between Switzerland and France, which delivered the most important theoretical validation underlying the basis for the funding and construction of the collider itself. Fitting in at the 125 GeV (eV: electronvolt) void in the Standard Model for Particle Physics, the search for … More Importance of theory and simulation in laying the case for building large colliders for multinational particle physics experiments

Citizen science projects utilizing spare computer time

There is a class of science projects where the common citizen can participate by providing spare computer time either through joining a citizen science group’s computer network, or by installing a software, which downloads part of the research problem onto the computer, uses spare computer time to do the necessary calculations, and uploads the results … More Citizen science projects utilizing spare computer time