TIFF file format provides greater image fidelity than JPEG format

Picture files tend to be large as a lot of information are required to render the final optical image. Thus, in the era where storage was more expensive than it is now, various compression methods were used to reduce the file size of images. One such method was the JPEG format. However, the file format … More TIFF file format provides greater image fidelity than JPEG format

Two approaches for building exascale supercomputers

Exascale supercomputers are the next generation of supercomputers that are under development. Specifically, they would possess such a large amount of processing power that many intractable problems in computer simulations such as those for climate modelling and understanding the physical underpinnings of the cosmos could be tackled. However, energy consumption of such an exascale supercomputer … More Two approaches for building exascale supercomputers

Dual signal memory device affords use of light and electrons to access memory’s state

Light-based computing affords faster memory access and processing speeds compared to traditional electron-based computing. But, given their differing wavelengths, it has been difficult to combine both modes of memory access into a single device. Using a combination of microchannels for directing light waves and gold electrodes for allowing electrons’ access, a research team has successfully … More Dual signal memory device affords use of light and electrons to access memory’s state